Jennifer Quach
Senior at the University of Florida
During my time at the University of Florida, I've acquired numerous life skills and been presented with many opportunities for personal and professional growth. I aspire to further expand my knowledge and skill set, and apply them into the next chapter of my life.

Studying abroad has helped my adaptability skills by putting myself in unfamiliar cultures, work culture, and academic systems. Through my experience in game day operations, I have honed in on my adaptability skills through navigating the changing environments and responding to unforeseen challenges.

Having the opportunity to travel to many countries while studying abroad has helped me advance my communication skills. Being surrounded by locals and other international students placed me in a situation where both verbal and non-verbal communication is needed.

As the UFL CHAARG club president, I advanced my organization skills through my responsibilities of overseeing event planning, member coordination, and delegating administrative tasks. Similarly, my role in game day operations has required me to become efficient in coordinating resources.

Project Management
I have taken advantage of many of the opportunities that involved project management. Whether that be in group projects, leading a club, or through my work in real estate I have been able to improve my skills in project management.

My experience with leading a club has not only enhanced my teamwork skills but also emphasized my role as a leader. My team and I have navigated challenges and worked together to support a club of 100+ members. My work for game day operations requires close collaboration with teammates to coordinate and execute game day events.

Time Management
While studying abroad, I coordinated travel plans and managed my academics. I found myself being able to enjoy my time not only in London but in the other countries I traveled too due to my success in planning and time management. Throughout my four years, I find myself continuing to fill my calendar with commitments and I am able to put 100% of myself into all of it because of my time management skills.